Monday, February 27, 2012

The hands behind the range

So who am I? Julia Hershonik: a 21 year old college student, in my 4th year at Boston University studying Cultural Anthropology. I am passionate about food, cooking, travel and people and is the combination of these interests that has lead to the creation of this blog.

As a young girl, I learned to cook at a very early age. Being surrounded by a village of Italian and Ukrainian women in floral house smocks throughout my childhood I took to, if not was forced into, the art of cooking. For my mentors, recipes were just guidelines. Measuring cups and teaspoons came second to pinches, handfuls and splashes. When they cooked, they were creating this relationship with their food. The experience was more emotional than mathematical, it was more about feel than technique. As a result each time every dish was different. Their food, for me, was less about the recreation of flavors and more about the merriment of ingredients. It is that lovingly holistic approach to cooking that I take on for myself.

With this blog, I hope to not only share some of my favorite dishes with you but also offer some of my stories about food, restaurants, ingredients. Dare I say that this is much more than a cooking blog, it's a devotion written in hopes of inspiring others to cook with their guts, trust their tongues, take risks and never, ever go easy on the garlic.

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